Terms of use

Terms of Use for MediJump

Last Updated: 20 Mar 2024

This website, MediJump.com, is owned and operated by My Medi Travel Pte. Ltd. (“MMT”). This document comprises the Terms of Use Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) and constitutes a legally binding agreement between the visitor/user (“User”) of this site and MMT.

As a condition precedent to the User being able to use any of the tools, functions, and information on this site, the User must read, understand and agree to be bound by each of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. However, by the mere act of accessing the functions and tools of this site, and viewing any information, text or graphics herein, the User is deemed to have already read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. Should the User not agree to any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, he/she must immediately leave this site and cease using any of the tools, functions, and information provided herein.

MMT reserves the right to amend or modify this Agreement without prior notice to the Users. Therefore, every time the User accesses this site, he/she is responsible for viewing this Agreement for any updates, amendments, changes, and revisions to which the User shall be deemed to be automatically bound.

The User agrees to use the information, services, and tools available on the site for purely personal and non-commercial use.

Purpose of this Site and Limitation of Liability

MediJump.com is a website for finding and comparing Hospitals, Clinics and Individual Doctors (“Medical Providers”) from around the world and to connect Users with these Medical Providers, for Services such as medical, aesthetic and dental treatments/procedures. Users are given the ability to contact multiple Medical Providers based on their requirements and Medical Providers are given a platform to market their services to MMT Users.

MMT, through this site, only provides general information, data, and statistics regarding medical tourism, health care, and medical services available worldwide either provided directly from the Medical Providers or through a process of simple research of information, data and statistics that are already available on the Medical Provider's website. MMT does not endorse any particular Medical Provider and recommends Users undertake their own research before directly engaging any Medical Providers.

MMT strives to provide its Users with information, data, and statistics regarding medical tourism, which is current. However, the content on this website has not necessarily been reviewed or prepared by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for advice obtained from a licensed medical professional. No information, data or statistics contained in this site may be used for self-diagnosis or for treating health problems or diseases. MMT is not responsible for any information that is found to be inaccurate, incomplete, incorrect or misleading.

MMT does not provide health care or medical services. It does not render medical advice or opinions regarding the Users’ eligibility for any medical or health care treatment or service. It does not warrant the accuracy of the general information, statistics and data found on this site and further, it does not warrant the existence, qualifications, quality of service or competence of any of the health care or medical service providers mentioned in this site.

The User is responsible for conducting his/her due diligence investigations into the existence, qualifications, quality of service, or competence of any of the health care or medical service providers mentioned and for validating any information, data or statistics regarding the medical tourism industry contained herein. The User shall hold MMT free and harmless and shall indemnify MMT for any claim or liability, whether the cause of action is based on tort, breach of contract or any other legal theory, including punitive, actual, direct, incidental or consequential damages of any nature, arising from the User's independent due diligence investigations and validations of the information contained herein; or for any damage, loss or injury that may have been incurred by the User or any other person who may have received information from such User regarding any information, data or statistic published on this site or for any service or treatment obtained from any health or medical service provider that is mentioned herein. MMT is not responsible for any health or medical care service or treatment that the User may receive from any person, entity or business mentioned on this site.

Services Not Provided

1. MMT does not employ medical professionals and will not discuss or advise on any issues relating to medical treatment with Users or Medical Providers.

2. MMT is not involved in any transaction between Users and Medical Providers who use the website. The responsibility for managing appointments and delivering the relevant services will be solely that of the relevant Medical Provider.

3. MMT cannot control the information provided by Medical Providers or information sourced by MMT from the Internet that is made available through the website. MMT does not guarantee or endorse the authenticity, quality, safety or legality of any Medical Provider or the services provided or purported to be provided by any Medical Provider, the accuracy of any listings or any Medical Provider data provided, or the ability of any Medical Providers to complete a transaction.

Services Provided

1. MMT is a website for Users seeking to access medical services from Medical Providers located around the world. MMT facilitates introductions between Users and Medical Providers through its website or in-house Patient Support Team. All introductions are determined by the Users' preferences and the Medical Providers available at that time. MMT is not a provider of medical and administrative services and has no responsibility for managing appointments and/or delivering such services.

2. MMT gathers information from global Medical Providers about their facilities and services as well as from a large number of publicly available websites. Users can access this information across the website and this information is intended to merely aid in deciding on choosing the preferred Medical Provider. Upon choosing a Medical Provider, MMT will facilitate contact between the User and Medical Provider, by forwarding the User information to the Medical Provider (the "Website Service") or providing the User with the contact information of the Medical Provider. MMT will make suggestions of alternative Medical Providers offering the same services in the same location, should the User wish to discuss with them too, MMT will forward the User's information to the suggested Medical Providers.

3. Users may simply wish to browse through the website to see what MMT has to offer. If this is the case, then only some of the provisions of these Terms of Use will apply to the use of the website and other provisions will not be relevant.

Rules for Use of Site

Site Users may not:

  1. Violate the laws of any jurisdiction, state, or country while visiting our site or using any tool that is available on this site;
  2. Harass or cyberstalk any user;
  3. Post any information, entries, queries, guest book notes, etc., which is the sole and absolute discretion and opinion of MMT, may be considered as obscene, indecent, defamatory, offensive, or hateful;
  4. Upload a virus on the server, whether or not such virus causes damage to MMT or MMT's Users;
  5. Transmit, steal, or otherwise engage in unauthorized access of information, data or materials through or into this website, which may violate any law or regulation in any jurisdiction;
  6. Use any automated script or robots to access, copy, or manipulate any content provided on this site;
  7. Impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or entity;
  8. Insert your own or a third party's advertising material or promotional content on this site;
  9. Use the site in any manner with the intent to interrupt, damage, disable, overburden, or impair the site, including but not limited to, flooding servers with requests;
  10. Attempt to circumvent, reverse engineer, decrypt, or otherwise alter or interfere with the site or any content thereof;
  11. Use the site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the same or interfere with any person's use or enjoyment thereof.

All Users of this site must be of legal age in their jurisdiction or country of origin. All Users who are not of legal age must immediately leave the website and cease using any of the tools, functions, or information provided on this site unless such visitor user is supervised by his/her parents or legal guardian, in which event, the parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for filtering any inappropriate content on this site.

MMT may post rules, guidelines or policies in addition to those stated in this Agreement. Upon the posting of such new or additional materials, such terms and conditions will immediately form part of this Agreement and shall be deemed as automatically binding on the Users.


MMT cannot personally vet all Medical Providers, services offered and medical staff mentioned on this site, despite making every effort to do so. Therefore, MMT has no knowledge or responsibility regarding the existence, qualifications, quality of service, or competence of any of the health care or medical service providers mentioned on this site. It has no information regarding the capacity or qualifications of the health care or medical service providers to render the service required by the User, nor can MMT attest to the competence of the medical professionals practising medicine at such establishments.

MMT is not itself providing any goods or services in the capacity of a principal. Except for marketing medical procedures, MMT does not supply or provide any other goods or services. It is not itself a transport, accommodation, tour, event or medical service or product provider. Third parties independent of MMT provide those goods and services. MMT advises obtaining and reading the service provider's terms and conditions applicable to the goods or services they provide and making sure there are no exclusions or limitations of liability imposed by the service provider. Some of these may limit or exclude liability for death, personal injury, delay, and property loss or damage. Third-party principals (not sub-contractors to MMT) provide all goods and services, including tours, travel, activities, meals, consultations, operations and procedures.

MMT exercises every reasonable care in the selection of third parties introduced to and who may provide goods and services to clients in connection with his/her trip. It is important to note, therefore that:

  1. MMT does not make any express or implied representation or warranty that any goods or services supplied by third parties will be fit for the required purpose or supplied by them with reasonable care and skill;
  2. All bookings for goods and services to be provided by third parties are subject to the terms and conditions and limitations of liability as may be separately imposed by tour operators, airlines, hospitals, clinics, hotels and other providers of goods and services (some of which limit or exclude liability in respect of death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage);
  3. Specific reviews relating to individual Medical Providers can come from a combination of sources, including but not exclusively, MMT customers, search engine profiles and social media profiles;

Any information published on the website that relates to health care or Medical Providers has been gathered and presented by MMT on its initiative using the websites and promotional information from such establishments, which are already made available to the public or have been provided directly by the Medical Providers. MMT does not verify the accuracy of the information gathered from such websites and cannot vouch for their reliability and accuracy, nor can MMT warrant that such information is current and updated.

All medical information found on the site is intended only for the general information of the Users. The site serves as a database or education resource only, which may enable its Users to conduct their due diligence investigations and research into the health care, medical services and medical information mentioned herein. Such information should not be used as a basis for diagnosis, choice of treatment or choice of a medical practitioner. This site is not intended to dictate what constitutes reasonable, appropriate or best care for any health issue nor does it serve as a substitute for the judgment of a qualified physician. If the User has or suspects that he/she may have a medical condition or that he/she is a candidate for any of the medical treatments mentioned on this site, please seek the advice of a trained and qualified medical practitioner.

By operating this website, MMT cannot be deemed to be engaged in the practice of medicine. The use of the site does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. The User should not solicit or rely upon any representations or recommendations of any officers of MMT about any medical issue.

While MMT has no reason to believe that there are inaccuracies or defects in any of the information published on the website, it makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the fitness of the information for any purpose whatsoever. The site is provided on an “as is” or “as available basis” and the User uses the same entirely at his/her own risk. In providing the information to User, no contractual obligation is or has been constituted between the User and MMT and no duty of care is owed to the former. If any court of competent jurisdiction rules that MMT owes a duty of care to the User, MMT will not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences, loss, damages or injury arising from the use of this information, unless there is direct negligence or fault on the part of MMT.

The information on the site should not be used as a basis for diagnosis, choice of treatment or choice of a medical practitioner. By operating this website, MMT cannot be deemed to be engaged in the practice of medicine, nor is the information herein presented intended to supplant medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner.

Data Protection

1. For these Terms of Use "Data" means all electronic data or information, including personal data as defined in the Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003, and the EU General Data Protection Regulation GDPR 2018 (the "DP Acts") submitted by the User onto the Website and forwarded by MMT to the Medical Provider, the processing of which is necessary to conclude the contract between the User and the Medical Provider. The User recognizes and acknowledges that to facilitate the provision of services, MMT will need to provide the User's personal information, including any medical information provided, to the chosen Medical Providers. The User explicitly consents to the forwarding and disclosure of his/her personal information to such Medical Providers even where such Medical Providers are based in countries where protections for personal data are not as strong as those in the European Union. MMT may also use contact details, including phone number and email address, to contact the User from time to time to give updates on the progress of a consultation with a Medical Provider and other matters concerning MMT services. The User consents to MMT contacting him/her in this regard.

2. MMT endeavours to protect the User's privacy and the privacy of others who access the website and use its facilities. For full details of how MMT uses cookies, the type of information gathered, how it is used and further details concerning the circumstances upon which MMT discloses information, please read the Privacy Policy which is hereby incorporated into and forms part of these Terms of Use.

3. MMT operates servers outside of the European Union, therefore, the User hereby agrees to the transfer of personal data outside the European Union. By using this website, Users agree to MMT holding and processing, both electronically and manually, personal data about themselves (including sensitive personal data) for the operation, management, security and administration of MMT and complying with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures, including the transfer of personal data outside the European Union.

4. Communication between the User and Medical Provider via email or Instant Messenger may be sent through MyMediTravel.com. The content of these emails and messages may be retained by MMT to assist Medical Providers in tracking their communication.

5. Communication between the User and Medical Provider by phone may be routed through MMT. The time and date, success or failure and telephone numbers may be stored by MMT, to assist both in tracking phone communication between one another. An audio recording of the call may also be stored. If the audio of a telephone call will be recorded then the User will hear an audible message informing him/her of this in advance of the call beginning.

6. By signing up to become a Registered User, Users agree that MMT may send advertisements and/or promotional material by email. If he/she does not wish for MMT to contact them for marketing purposes, he/she may notify MMT by following the "unsubscribe" links on email communications issued and/or contacting MMT directly at [email protected].

Provision of Information

1. If the User wishes to arrange a consultation with a Medical Provider, then he/she will be asked to provide certain information including details such as contact details (phone number and email address), age, gender and some medical information to allow MMT to present the data to relevant Medical Providers. Users warrant and undertake that the information provided is up-to-date, accurate in all material respects, not the confidential property of others or in violation of any third party's rights, and is sufficient enough for MMT to facilitate. Although MMT endeavours at all times to respect privacy, Users should not provide any information that may cause personal damage if made public.

2. Information sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure as it is subject to possible interception, loss or alteration. Users understand and agree to assume the security risk for any information provided using the website. MMT is not responsible for any information sent over the Internet and will not be liable to the User or anyone else for any damages or other loss incurred in connection with any information sent by the User to MMT or to a Medical Provider, or any information sent by MMT, a Medical Provider or any third party to the User over the Internet.


MMT may at any time, without notice, suspend or terminate the User's access to the website, or any service forming part of this website, wholly or partially, for any reason including, without limitation, where the User has provided false or misleading information or is in breach of these Terms of Use, or if MMT cannot verify or authenticate any information submitted to the website. MMT is not liable to the User or any third party for any suspension or termination of access to the website.

Intellectual Property

All original content provided within or via this site is protected by various international copyright laws, patent laws, trademark regulations, and laws, and various intellectual property laws and international treaties and agreements. Copying, reproduction, publication or broadcast of any protected content contained within or via this Site is strictly prohibited without the written permission of MMT. All trademarks presented on or via this site are owned by their respective owners and may not be used by the User in any way.